php meetup

Order the #1 PHP Development Platform and help NYPHP earn $30!

March 22nd, 2003

Zend Studio is the standard in PHP development tools and offers a complete IDE environment. The just released version 2.6 offers loads of new features, including debugging enhancements and CVS integration. Zend and New York PHP have teamed up to offer you a remarkable opportunity.

Order by March 15, 2003 using the special offer code NYPHP26 and get Zend Studio Plus, including 1 year of support and upgrades, for the price of Zend Studio -- a savings of over $50! See pricing for details.

Plus, thanks to Zend's generosity and commitment to the PHP community, $30 for every copy purchased using our special offer code is donated to NYPHP! Get the best in PHP development software and support your local community at the same time. Order today!


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