[nycphp-announce] LinuxWorld Wrap Up; PostgreSQL Meeting Tuesday

Hans Zaunere noreply at
Sun Jan 25 21:34:31 EST 2004

LinuxWorld Wrap Up

LinuxWorld was a great show, and the interest in PHP was stunning.  We answered hundreds of questions and gave tons of information, magazines, books, and other material away to an eager audience.  Thank you to those who came by.

A special Thank You to those who helped with organization and the booth:

Stefan Antonowicz
Michael DeWitt
Tim Gales
Chris Hendry
Gert Hilhorst
David Jensen
Jeff Knight
Daniel Krook
Daniel Kushner
Sonny Mataka
Matt Nudelman
Jeff Siegel
Chris Snyder
Matt Terenzio
William Zhou

As evident from the show, PHP has a bright and exciting future in the Open Source world.  New York PHP continues to work hard at helping PHP and AMP Technology gain the recognition it deserves and looks forward to our community's participation.

PostgreSQL Meeting Tuesday

When: January 27, 2004 at 6:30pm
Where: Digital Pulp

New York PHP is pleased to kick the new year off with an exciting introduction to PostgreSQL. Join core developer and renowned speaker Bruce Momjian as he covers a project that's sparked a new era in Open Source database development.

"This talk is perfect for those new to PostgreSQL or people who just want a general introduction to the project. It covers its origins in academia, its movement to Internet-based development, why people choose PostgreSQL, its current usage, and future directions. This is not a technical talk."

As always this meeting is free and open to the public - and please be sure to RSVP by sending a message to rsvp at

Best regards,

Hans Zaunere
New York PHP

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