[nycphp-announce] holiday at nyphp: TONIGHT! Holiday Party 2006 - PLEASE RSVP

New York PHP noreply at
Thu Dec 7 12:35:33 EST 2006

Join us tonight for the holiday party - please note the address and note
below for details:

It's down stairs, as if you're going into the 4/5 subway entrance on the
west side of broadway, immediately after the trinity church.


This year, NYCBUG and NYPHP are once again in cahoots for a holiday party -
with a twist. We'll have two 10 minute hard-nosed presentations to kick
things of and set the mood.

First, NYCBUG's Alfred Perlstein will speak on "Captchas can be LOL."

Then, NYPHP's Hans Zaunere will speak on "Unfashionable FreeBSD: Why Their
Threads Are So Last Year."

Then stick around for cash bar and food into the evening.

So join us:

    * Suspenders Restaurant (
    * Thursday, December 7th, 2006
    * 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Please RSVP to rsvp AT nycbug DOT org if you plan to attend.

NOTE:  There will likely be no General Meeting in December.

New York PHP Community

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