From hostmaster at Tue May 19 09:15:23 2009 From: hostmaster at (New York PHP) Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 09:15:23 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-announce] this-week@nyphp: NYPHP TestFest; Semantic Web and PHP Message-ID: <010301c9d883$dfcefed0$9f6cfc70$@com> We've got some interesting and exciting events coming up this week. First up is the NYPHP TestFest on May 23rd - see full details at We're looking forward to a strong turnout and even if you're a new developer, come by to learn and network. Next up is a special event by the Semantic Web Meetup. This month special guests will be talking about PHP, LAMP, and the semantic web. Full details and register online: PHP and the Semantic Web - Easy RDF and SPARQL for LAMP systems Semantic technologies and standards are maturing and start to spread from research prototypes and enterprise tools to public web sites and mainstream online applications. With scripting languages traditionally being popular in the web developer community, the demand for PHP coders with RDF skills is about to rise significantly. Now is a good time to explore the new possibilities of the forthcoming Data Web and how they can be efficiently utilized in LAMP environments. This talk will provide an overview of SPARQL-based web scripting with ARC and Trice, market opportunities for PHP developers, available toolkits, and lessons learned. Benjamin Nowack is a long-time member of the RDF community, founder of semantic web company Semsol (, and a pioneer in utilizing RDF technology for agency-level web projects. He is the maintainer of ARC (a pure PHP/MySQL RDF toolkit) and Trice (a web application framework based on ARC). Semsol's practical solutions won several international awards, such as the Semantic Scripting Challenge and the Semantic Web Challenge. Benjamin contributed to the W3C Semantic Web Education and Outreach Interest Group (SWEO) as an Invited Expert. A detailed profile is available at Reasoning on the web of linked data with OWLIM - Semantic Repository OWLIM is a native RDF database with inference support. Short after its first release in 2004, it started setting performance and scalability benchmarks that advanced the frontiers for semantic repositories. Nowadays OWLIM is a mature database, proven in applications ranging from life sciences to financial intelligence and patent search. It can deal with 1B statements on a desktop and 10B statements on a sub-$10,000 server. Linked Data Semantic Repository (LDSR) represents a reason-able view to the web of linked data. Several of the central datasets of the Linking Open Data (LOD) project were selected and loaded in OWLIM. Reasoning was performed to "materialize" all the facts that could be inferred from this data. The talk will briefly present the latest version of OWLIM and provide insider's view on LDSR. With its 358M explicit and 512M inferred statement, LDSR is probably the most scalable common sense reasoning experiment. Atanas Kiryakov is founder and CEO of Ontotext ( - provider of core semantic technology distinctive for its performance, scale, and compliance with open standards. It's major products are OWLIM (see above) and KIM (the most popular semantic annotation and search platform). Kiryakov joined Sirma as a software engineer in 1993 to become partner and member of the board later on and found Ontotext lab in year 2000. He led Ontotext in research projects with total budget above 100 MEuro, which allowed it to invest above 150 man-years in product development. In 2008 VC fund NEVEQ acquired a minority share Ontotext in a deal for 2.5M EURO. See you at both of these exciting events! --- New York PHP Users Group Community From hostmaster at Tue May 19 09:23:39 2009 From: hostmaster at (New York PHP) Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 09:23:39 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-announce] next@nyphp: Taking the Zend Server Out for a Spin Message-ID: <010901c9d885$064895c0$12d9c140$@com> May General Meeting: Taking the Zend Server Out for a Spin ------------------------------------- When: Tuesday, May 26th at 6:30pm sharp (4th Tuesday of every month) Where: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, Room 1219 (12th Floor) RSVP: It's May - the best month of the year! Thankfully, Spring has returned with the birds and bees, and there's no better time for a relaxing cruise. Zend Solution Consultant Ed Kieltinski is in the driver's seat and will pop the hood of the all new fuel-efficient Zend Server and take us for a spin in Zend's latest model. We'll take an exploration of the complete Zend software stack and how to optimize your efforts with PHP applications. Open source example applications like MagentoCommerce, OSCommerce, Joomla, Sugarcrm, Drupal, will be used to showcase how to tackle common and complex problems. Both the open source Zend stack and the advanced Professional Edition solutions will be shown to address poor performance, troubleshooting problems, identifying bottlenecks, slow databases, integrating PHP into Java, and improving MVC Zend Framework apps. Zend Server CE/PE, PDT/Studio, and Zend Framework will also be looked at. And join us at TGI Friday's at 56th and Lexington after the meeting for complimentary food and drink, thanks to Zend. Thank you to IBM for providing a great presentation space in Midtown Manhattan. As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings are always free and open to the public. Come prepared with a business card to enter book and software raffles. When: Tuesday, May 26th at 6:30pm sharp (4th Tuesday of every month) Where: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, Room 1219 (12th Floor) RSVP: You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you attend - that means RSVP now! --- New York PHP User Group Community From hostmaster at Mon May 25 11:51:42 2009 From: hostmaster at (New York PHP) Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 11:51:42 -0400 Subject: [nycphp-announce] TOMORROW@nyphp: Taking the Zend Server Out for a Spin Message-ID: <024d01c9dd50$b3634780$1a29d680$@com> May General Meeting: Taking the Zend Server Out for a Spin ------------------------------------- When: Tuesday, May 26th at 6:30pm sharp (4th Tuesday of every month) Where: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, Room 1219 (12th Floor) RSVP: It's May - the best month of the year! Thankfully, Spring has returned with the birds and bees, and there's no better time for a relaxing cruise. Zend Solution Consultant Ed Kieltinski is in the driver's seat and will pop the hood of the all new fuel-efficient Zend Server and take us for a spin in Zend's latest model. We'll take an exploration of the complete Zend software stack and how to optimize your efforts with PHP applications. Open source example applications like MagentoCommerce, OSCommerce, Joomla, Sugarcrm, Drupal, will be used to showcase how to tackle common and complex problems. Both the open source Zend stack and the advanced Professional Edition solutions will be shown to address poor performance, troubleshooting problems, identifying bottlenecks, slow databases, integrating PHP into Java, and improving MVC Zend Framework apps. Zend Server CE/PE, PDT/Studio, and Zend Framework will also be looked at. And join us at TGI Friday's at 56th and Lexington after the meeting for complimentary food and drink, thanks to Zend. Thank you to IBM for providing a great presentation space in Midtown Manhattan. As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings are always free and open to the public. Come prepared with a business card to enter book and software raffles. When: Tuesday, May 26th at 6:30pm sharp (4th Tuesday of every month) Where: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, Room 1219 (12th Floor) RSVP: You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you attend - that means RSVP now! --- New York PHP User Group Community