[nycphp-jobs] Got a Great Big Idea - Need a Developer/Partner to Make it Happen

Dan Masca dan at
Wed Aug 20 10:40:44 EDT 2008

Donna Marie Vincent wrote:
> If this is truly "entirely feasible and self sustainable" then why isn't it being presented to a venture capitalist who will put up CASH MONEY to pay for development?

Hello Donna,
from my experience the VC's don't put money right now  in businesses 
which don't have a prototype which work and can show them that ideas 
that you present in power point or in a doc file can be implemented .
If you don't have an history and is your first start-up than VC's don't 
put money easy.
 From my experience the money you can obtain from angel investors 
easier, from private person, friends which know the entrepreneurs and 
which want to put some cash for equity.
Because of my agreement i can not give you an example of other start-up 
where we have some equity and which near my team, are another 20 friends 
of the cofounders which put some cash on it.

Right now we work with an entrepreneur which move from Washington DC to 
NYC from personal and business reason.
He is low on money and we analyze right now how we can eliminate the 
risk of "10% from nothing" .
The most important thing is that peoples have ideas, they know there job 
very well and work hard to make the ideas a succesful business.

Sorry for my english and I hope that you understood what I want to say !


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