[joomla] March Meeting

Anthony Ferrara ircmaxell at
Thu Mar 6 16:26:49 EST 2008

Well, in Gary's stay, I guess I'll announce the March
meeting.  The meeting will be March 13th, at the usual
Robert Half.  Topics are as follows:

Oliver Rockwell:  A simple component to bypass the
vanilla content browsing of com_content

Anthony Ferrara: Performance with the Joomla CMS. 
This includes server side tweaks and alternative web
servers (Apache isn't the only one out there).

Mitch Pirtle: Taking the Joomla Framework beyond the
limit.  Leveraging the framework to build a high
traffic, highly scalable website.

As usual, there will be the "after festivities" at TGI

If you havn't come before, please email me you name so
that I may place you on the list.

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