[nycphp-talk] Database vs. XML

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Tue Jul 16 11:47:08 EDT 2002

I think it breaks down to using a DB for large data that might be static 
and not have to reside im memory all the time vs. quick XML/XPath in 
memory configuration for ur application ... @ least this is the way I 
see it in my applications (mostly AI based) ...

The one big drawback is not having the ability to make use of both very 
easily for example XML<->DB where changes in the XML reflect the changes 
to the DB, it is quite possibly to do but not practicle with large rows 
of data, however you can write small tidbits of XML that might reflect a 
single row or something ... it should also be noted that the notion of 
XML is the point of readibility for humans anyway ;-)

XML as I see it is best for configuration files (filename based), maybe 
object modeling, and p2p, but for large amounts of data (unless you even 
out ur tables to small column counts), you will save a headache by just 
using a DB.

- Jon

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