[nycphp-talk] Client v. Server side scripting

Woolsey, Fred FWoolsey at
Fri Jul 19 13:51:20 EDT 2002


I think so.  I have done some work with "applets" in PHP that cry out for
client-side scripting, so I did exactly that.  One example was a time sheet
"applet" that required the ability to permit the user to move easily from
field to field, show live running totals of hours, etc.  I used PHP to
generate the page with the timesheet and to connect to the underlying
database, and JavaScript to allow "immediate" client interaction.  This
required some JavaScript to be embedded in the PHP... a little kludgey, but
it worked.  Lacking client-side PHP, this seems to me to be the best way to
try to do Java applet-like things with PHP.

Fred Woolsey

-----Original Message-----
From: bruce at [mailto:bruce at]
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 12:17 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Client v. Server side scripting

Regarding this debate over JavaScript, isn't the whole point of JavaScript,
or any Client Side scripting, the ability to lessen the demands on your

While JS may not be full-proof, it can at least be a first attempt to
ensure that the data that is eventually validated on the server side is not
junk data, thus helping to lessen the demands on the server.

Does this make sense?

- Bruce

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