[nycphp-talk] Meeting Minutes

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Wed Jul 24 15:00:11 EDT 2002

--- "Donald J. Organ IV" <dorgan at> wrote:
> I was going to try to come to the meeting tonight but as being the
> first meeting i didnt want to go by myself, and i couldnt find anyone
> to go, and coming from suffolk county and not having a car or not
> very familiar with the city I am unable to,

Come anyway!  :)

> I was very interested in
> the meeting topic and was wondering if there are any type of minutes
> taken that i could maybe recieve or even if anyone has any sites that
> have articles on devloping a OO framework with PHP?

Our usual note taker is in CA, however I will try to take notes and I
hope others will to.  Any notes that are takin will be put online, and
if possible, the actual presentation will be as well.



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