[nycphp-talk] upgrading PHP

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Jul 10 14:21:43 EDT 2003

Hey Joe,

joe wrote:

> Let me revise my question.
> I note that 4.3.3RC1 has been out for more than 3 weeks and PHP 5.0.0 
> beta 1 has been available for a bout two weeks. Should I upgrade to just 
> 4.3 or the RC or the 5 beta?

Negative on going with the 5 beta, unless you want to develop/test it.  Go with 4.3.2 to get things off the ground, and then hit 4.3.3 when it's released.

> Or maybe wait for the full 5 release? Any idea when that's due?


> Same questions stand about how daunting and risky a task it is likely to 
> be for me to try my own upgrade.

The server fairy tells me that you're probably using the Ensim control panel, and making your own upgrade *might* be problematic, especially if you haven't done it before.  It's unfortuneate, since 4.3.x is very nice, but depending on your environment (the level of mission criticalness/time you can spend on it/) swaping in a non-Ensim component may cause you grief.

Simply, HTTPS is a very differant animal than HTTP, and using curl in this case may be your best bet:

Which, after a check of your phpinfo() output, should show that it's SSL enabled.



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