[nycphp-talk] PHP and Instant Messenger -- was: time tracking apps...

Hans Zaunere hans at
Wed Oct 15 14:25:06 EDT 2003

Bill Lovett wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 11:31:43AM -0400, jon baer wrote:
>>>I'm in the early stages of a project just like that. It's going to be a
>>>Jabber bot written in Python that will  collect timesheet information
>>Im just wondering (I don't know Python that well) but is there a reason on
>>why the bot itself could not be done in PHP as well?  I noticed a few people
>>do write tools which require both Python + PHP but could never figure out
>>why ... is it just what u are comfortable with or is there another reason?
> I'm more comfortable with PHP, but Python seemed a better option in this
> case because I had already done some Jabber-related experimentation
> with it. Now that I think about it, there's really no reason why CLI
> wouldn't be an option.  It's mostly laziness on my part-- I never got
> rolling completely with CLI.  

I'm not sure how closely Python supports Jabber, but PHP seems to have a nice run as well:

And using PHP CLI is a snap; heck, it might even overtake Perl/Bash (it did for me :)


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