[nycphp-talk] WAMP on a new XP box with SP2 possible?

John Lacey jlacey at
Sun Dec 19 13:51:10 EST 2004

Tim Gales wrote:
>>Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] WAMP on a new XP box with SP2 possible?
>>Mitch Pirtle wrote:

>>>for hours, trudged through forums, and even tried XAMPP and several 
>>>other WAMP 'easy to install, really!' packages that don't work.
> Well, a brave soul (not me) might try an update located at:
> d=17d997d2-5034-4bbb-b74d-ad8430a1f7c8&displaylang=en 
> It tries to solve some loopback problems with XP2. 

I google for this and hit "translate" -- XAMPP board is German

" XAMPP does not function under XP SP2!
But! Only Microsoft provided an improved Firewall in the service luggage 
2 (SP2), which "nice-proves" also ungefragt starts. This blockert then 
important haven the 80 (HTTP) and 443 (https) and the Apache server does 
not want (more) to start. The fast solution: The Microsoft Firewall over 
the task border deactivate and the XAMPP try again to start. "

"service luggage 2"  I love it!


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