[nycphp-talk] help needed

Henry Ponce henry at
Tue Dec 28 15:40:52 EST 2004

Joseph, thanks for your help. 

You know what I discovered by asking people to open the page... people in the 
US and Spain can open the web page correctly. But people in Estonia and 
Argentina (i am currently in Argentina) can't. 
I can't find the problem. Maybe it's the internet connection speed. don't 

I will keep trying to solve this.


On Tuesday 28 December 2004 17:35, Joseph Crawford wrote:
> i am having no problems here and without being able to re-create your
> error i am not sure how we can help you.
> one thing you might try is to delete your cache in both ie and
> firefox, restart both browsers, heck maybe even a reboot of the
> machine.  I am not sure since i am not sitting at your keyboard :(

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