[nycphp-talk] Fw: reading cookie expirations

-sry sryBoston at
Tue Feb 3 17:41:47 EST 2004


A fellow wwwacie is trying to do something that seems
to me to be perfectly straightforward, but either I'm still
far more ignorant of PHP than I thought (I've *been*
reading, nearly every day!! Geez, there's enough docs
on that site to make me go blind!!) or this just can't be
done. Below is his post / request - he's cc'd on this note
so please cc him on replies.

In an off-list continuation, he noted, that the
$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS array is just an array of
cookies, not an array of values for *a* cookie. Is he
right? :-( Really? :-(((( how do we get
the other stuff besides name and value? now *I*
want to know!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rahmin Pavlovic" <rahmin at>
To: <wwwac at>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: [wwwac] php: reading cookie expirations

> Let me try this again -
> I'm setting a cooking via php like ye -
>     setcookie("name","value", time() + 86400); //24hrs
> Sometimes it's 30 days -
>     setcookie("name","value", time() + (86400*30)); //30 days
> Sometimes it's one year -
>     setcookie("name","value", time() + 31536000); //1yr
> Works fine.
> I want to be able to then read the cookie and determine it's expiry date.
> Seems simple enough, but it appears as tho all my read options are limited
to 'value'.
> Is there anyway to test a cookie's expiration date in php?
> Or better yet - is there any way to read the fully qualified cookie
> name=value; expires=date; path=path; domain=domain-name; secure
> You know, cause that would be hot.
> I can do this in js, but I'd rather not..
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