[nycphp-talk] HomeSite/TopStyle on the Mac... (was: your IDE?)

Daniel Krook danielk at
Wed Feb 18 13:55:03 EST 2004

I'm a HomeSite and TopStyle Pro guy but prefer the Mac as my primary
machine at home.

I solved the problem by picking up Virtual PC for Mac last week and cranked
out a site using BBEdit and TopStyle in the PC VM while also testing on all
the browsers I needed to on a single machine.  This is particularly useful
when you can map the same external filesystem from the Mac and from the
Virtual PC.

The feeling of using my own Windows 2000 CD to install the OS (and all its
necessary Windows Updates) on my Mac in its own window was interesting to
say the least (the base edition of Virtual PC lets you use your own
existing copy of Windows or other OS).

It's not the fastest thing in the world (it emulates a Pentium II
processor, I believe) but it's closed the gap between the tools I need and
the platform I prefer.

Daniel Krook, Application Developer, Production Services,
1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, NY 10604
Tel: (914) 642-4474, Tieline 224-4474
danielk at


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