[nycphp-talk] Problem with Pagination

putamare jeffknight at
Thu Jun 3 18:44:18 EDT 2004

On Jun 3, 2004, at 6:34 PM, Chris Shiflett wrote:
> I agree with Chris, even though I didn't speak up.

2nd that here. One of the reasons this list is worth anything is the 
high signal to noise ratio: ongoing discussions of php-related subjects 
that many people will find useful. When discussions bog down in 
particulars that are of little interest to the general subscriber base, 
it threatens the list itself since it makes people more likely to 

While we are here to help each other out, and point out new directions 
and ideas, this list isn't a substitute for hiring a developer. If you 
can't phrase a question in a manner that is generically of interest, it 
isn't really of any interest for anybody to answer. We all get stuck 
sometimes, and deserve an occasional hand, but habitual hand-holding 
should not be encouraged.

Jeff Knight
putamare not junk at

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