[nycphp-talk] PHP and Active Directory 2K3

Shawn Coomey shawn.coomey at
Tue Apr 19 11:17:21 EDT 2005

Hi folks-

My first post!

I've been struggling with an issue for a few months. I am attempting to
search Active Directory 2003 via PHP, but am running into an issue searching
from the base DN (i.e. 'cn=company,cn=com'). This seems to be somewhat of a
known issue with AD2K3. A search at this level always returns:

Warning: ldap_search() [function.ldap-search]: Search: Partial results and
referral received

If I change my base DN to 'ou=someOU,dc=company,dc=com', searches work
properly. I was curious to see what would happen at the command line, so I
used openldap's ldapsearch function against AD and sure enough I got a bunch
of results that were truncated with 

ldap_result: Can't contact LDAP server

Of note: I have a base php class that sets the following options whenever a
bind is created (seems to be necessary for searching AD2K3 at all):

ldap_set_option($this->_ldap, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
ldap_set_option($this->_ldap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);

Anyone have any feedback about how to search the base dn of AD2K3?


Shawn Coomey

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