[nycphp-talk] FW: Is the web's love affair with PHP over?

Steve Manes smanes at
Fri Aug 5 08:25:53 EDT 2005

leam at wrote:
> So, what does EDC do when they sober up and try to do real work?
> Having seen how the "big boys" play with their Java based Webspehre
> and Weblogic, I'll take PHP nay day. So far PHP hasn't taken several
> minutes to start up, hasn't dropped half-gig core files on my server,
> and hasn't required a slew of developers to get simple tasks done.

I wonder how much of this is due to pacific rim outsourcing of corporate 
web site construction?  I know from experience that Indian outsource 
companies have little interest or investment in open source languages 
like PHP and Perl.  Java, ASP and .NET rule there, possibly because the 
developers learned their craft through universities and commercial 
training/certification courses.

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