[nycphp-talk] Best editor? Textmate, just too sluggish over a network?

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Wed Aug 9 19:39:54 EDT 2006

Ive used pretty much all the editors listed here and have noticed a  
few things ...

(In regards to network latency)

Different IDEs take different approaches when dealing with large  
projects and remote projects ... some will parse xref/functions/ 
classes @ the time a file is requested and others will take the time  
to parse the entire tree (w/o caching) when the project is opened.   
Some editors have no settings for such things while others are buried  
under hidden settings ...

Thus Id have to say that the "correct" method on working either way  
is the Subversion method of checking out a local copy, modify your  
working copy, and checking your work back in.  No one who wants to do  
a quick edit w/ a simple editor wants to do it, including myself in  
which case I always jump in nano/pico on a box + put the GUI IDE  
aside for a few seconds.

Ive recently attempted a WebDAV over VPN connect w/ TextMate and  
realized it was not the right way to go, no matter what IDE.

TextMate is also pretty sluggish if you load up *all* available  
Bundles, I still wish there was someway to type:

mate . -php

On the command line to load up only the bundles you needed.

I still however think that Zend Studio is pretty much *the* editor to  
have for PHP but the only thing that would help me out + a few others  
is having a few screencasts or something showing how the Zend guys  
(or indy core guys) actually use the thing to its fullest.  The built  
in SQL editor, Watches, and Analyze Code are must haves.

Either way a "how I work" feature/presentation would be nice to see.

- Jon

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