[nycphp-talk] OpenID PHP lib

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Fri Feb 16 15:04:18 EST 2007

Jon Baer wrote:
> Small question but has this worked well for anyone?

I've been trying to compose a detailed email about this, but the short
answer is no, and I (coincidentally) was just looking at this last night.

I dug through the JanRain code quite a bit, and it's a bit bloated and
sloppy, but I think that's just a side-effect of the library having been
ported to a number of different languages, and clearly PHP wasn't the

You might also be interested in Wez's much simpler code:

Unless you're in an environment where you can apply his patch, you can
only implement the dumb mode (or do all of that big number math in PHP,
which seems wasteful and error-prone). I was hoping the JanRain library
would just work, since Wez's patch won't be an option for most people
until the next public release of PHP.

In other words, I feel your pain. Hope to have more to say soon - just
need to find time to play. :-)


Chris Shiflett

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