[nycphp-talk] form spoofing

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Tue May 1 11:57:54 EDT 2007

> But this hasn't helped much; I still get a few of them, though I  
> can't figure out how they can be generated.  Any advice?

Yeah... you could add a spam/bayesian filter to your form processing  
or use a web service like Akismet to see if it may be spam.

Another option would be to log the user-agent and ip address that was  
used so you can track down what the spider was using.  You may get  
lucky and find that it's coming from a specific user-agent/ip and be  
able to easily throw away the form submissions from it (you don't  
want to block it outright because it might detect that it's being  
blocked and change its user-agent or something).

Of course, if I was a spammer, I'd use a normal user-agent and spoof  
a different ip each time... in which case a spam filter is your only  
defense (I think).


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