[nycphp-talk] Emails not being received when using mail()

Ben Sgro ben at
Mon Jan 14 18:12:12 EST 2008


Gosh, who knows. I have a problem like that w/an app that runs 
PHPMailer; yahoo users never see the emails.
It really sucks, and there isn't anything I can do about it. Yahoo just 
decides to block this particular domain, or

Maybe someone with more email knowledge can chime in.

- Ben

B.A.S. wrote:
> Ben Sgro wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Out the box, PHPMailer works pretty good. I know there is a bug in 
>> the install I used where you have to explicitly
>> set the language variable or else it doesn't work.
>> I'd suggest further debugging your current situation before switching 
>> to PHPMailer.
>> - Ben
> Hi Ben,
> Thanks for the bug warning.
> I've only been programming PHP in earnest for a little under a year, 
> so I'm not entirely sure what else I should be looking for when I 
> attempt to debug.
> I've tried setting "Return-path" and "Reply-to" headers, but that 
> doesn't help. The emails are received on some servers, but not on 
> others--i.e. on one of my accounts they come through fine, but on 
> another (hosted elsewhere) they don't. Ditto when I try mailing to 
> GMail, Hotmail and Verizon accounts--they don't even make it to the 
> spam folder.
> Bev
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